Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lesson plans a new way

After this week it has become extremely clear to me how creativity plays into lesson plans. After doing the automatic writing, mind maps and then making connections between all of them i was surprised with the ideas I came up with. The automatic writing was somewhat difficult for me for the first time. It was hard to let go of my left brain thinking, even though I have mostly been a right brain thinker. In school I was asked to think with my left brain for most assignments and activities. After 12 years of practice it is difficult to switch to what used to come naturally to me. I also found it interesting that all through my schooling I was asked to think with my left brain and now that I am getting ready to teach school I am now asked to used my right brain. O how the times change. I tried thinking back to my early schooling years and tried to remember a project we did that was fun, interesting but still go the lesson across: theres not one that i can remember. Hopefully as a teacher i can create projects involving art that students will remember and can continue to use.